Information about Newstead Medical for patients and visitors.

Please see below information about our practice regarding open hours, appointments, medical care and more.

If you still have a question for us please call us directly if urgent, or visit our contact page to send us an email.

General Practitioner Appointments

Our general practitioners provide the following services:

  • Treatment of acute and chronic medical conditions
  • Minor surgery
  • Antenatal care
  • Worker’s compensation appointments
  • Health screening
  • Travel health
  • Pre-employment and driver’s licence medical examination
  • Dive medicals (existing patients only)

Allied Health

Exercise Physiology

Justin Ockerby is our Accredited Exercise Physiologist. Exercise Physiologists deliver exercise interventions for people with acute, sub-acute or chronic medical conditions, injuries or disabilities. They use exercise to help patients with cardiovascular, metabolic, neurological, musculoskeletal, cancers, kidney, respiratory and mental health conditions.
Anybody can see an Exercise Physiologist in a private capacity without a referral, whether you are aiming to be more active for your general health and fitness or to achieve a specific goal such as weight loss, improving mental health, reducing your risk of a chronic condition or to treat an already diagnosed condition.
You may also be eligible for a Medicare rebate through a chronic disease management plan implemented by your GP. Justin can also treat patients under Worker’s Compensation, MAIB, DVA or private health.


Jelene Malang is a Physiotherapist from Riverside Physiotherapy working with us every Tuesday. She has experience in all musculoskeletal conditions including those affecting the elderly. She is a GLA:D provider for patients with osteoarthritis of the knees, and has done advanced training in dry needling and headache/migraine treatment.

She works with a wide variety of patients including under Worker’s Compensation, DVA, Enhanced Primary Care Plans, MAIB and NDIS.

Monday - Friday 8.00am - 8.00pm Saturday 8.30am - 1.00pm
launceston travel immunisation

Newstead Medical is also Launceston’s Travel Immunisation Clinic offering comprehensive travel health and advice. We are able to supply and administer all required travel vaccinations and many travel medications.

We are a government approved Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre and supply a Yellow Fever vaccination certificate with all Yellow Fever vaccinations.


Appointments are available with our General Practitioners for current and new patients. Try to book an appointment at least 4 weeks prior to leaving on your trip.

What to bring to your appointment

If you are not a regular patient of Newstead Medical, please bring a copy of your vaccination history and current medications to your appointment. If you regularly attend here we will have this information on record already. Please bring along your travel itinerary.